Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Men: e-mancipate.net

Check out http://www.e-mancipate.net/. It's a great site for guys who want to wear pantyhose in public but are afraid to try. The site offers supportive encouragement and volumes of information regarding men's pantyhose (where to buy, reviews, how to wear, etc.).

Women: Aurora

Definitely weird, but definitely cool. See more of her at http://www.stylishfestish.com/

Women: Carla

She has a great personal site at http://www.onlycarla.com/

Monday, December 22, 2008


I will also be updating my blog with pictures of people wearing pantyhose. Yes, that's right, I said people, not only women. My opinion is that pantyhose make everyone's legs look better, as long as the legs in the hose are shaved. I am not a fan of hairy legs in pantyhose (yuck!).
Here are some samples of the types of pictures I will post:




Welcome to my first Blog

This blog will include information and pics regarding my favorite subject - pantyhose. I love everything about them, and wear them 24/7/365. Yes, I even wear them when I go swimming! The only time I don't wear them is when I am in the shower, so I guess that's 23.5/7/365. I also like to wear skirts and women's shoes, but I don't consider myself a crossdresser. I don't wear them because I want to look or feel feminine, I wear them because I think men's clothes and shoes are very boring and have extremely limited options. I don't do nails, makeup, or wear women's tops.

What you will find on this blog
  • No pornographic material

  • Pantyhose News

  • Pantyhose Pictures (women, men and transgendered individuals)

  • Pantyhose product reviews

  • My pantyhose story
I am married, have 3 kids, and live in a fairly conservative suburb near a large city in the midwest. I wear pantyhose with shorts when the weather is appropriate, but I stop short of wearing noticeable colors (e.g. black, blue) in certain situations. I have been wearing pantyhose off and on since I was about 10, but have been "wearing openly" since the summer of 2006. In addition, I have been wearing shoes and skirts openly since September 2008. It has been a lot of fun so far.

My Story

As stated, I've been wearing pantyhose on and off since I was about 10, but my attraction to hose started much earlier in my life. The earliest I can remember, when I was about 3 or 4, my grandmother used to take me to the hairdressers to get her hair done. I remember touching the stocking feet of many of the ladies there. I don't remember anyone ever telling me not to do so. As far as I can recollect, that is where and when my obsession with pantyhose started.

Growing up I always knew that I would try on a pair of pantyhose someday. When I was 10 or 11, I built up enough courage to give it a try. I was home after school one day, my mom, sister and stepdad were not at home (my grandma lived with us, but in a seperated part of the house, kind of an "in-law" apartment). I snuck into my mom's closet, pulled out a pair of her nude Givenchy Body Gleamers pantyhose (I remeber it like it was yesterday), and locked myself in my room. I pulled them on. Wow! I was instantly hooked. I wore them for about 15 minutes, then took them off and put them back. My heart was racing. I loved the feeling, and knew I wanted to wear them again.

This pattern continued for a few months, and then I started doing the same with my sister's dance tights and leotards. She was about 3 years older than me, but her dancewear fit me perfectly. Of course, being 10-11, and stupid, I got caught. My sister came home unexpectedly one day and saw me wearing her black tights and black leotard. She was furious and told my mother. That night, my mom sat me down and we had a long talk. She was more upset that I was taking their things, and not so upset about what I was wearing. She asked me if I wanted to be a girl, if I was gay, do I want to wear other things, all to which I replied "no". Then came a huge surprise to me. She told me that she would buy me my own pantyhose, tights, and a leotard to wear so I didn't borrow theirs anymore. She also told me that I was not to wear them out of the house or with shorts - I had to keep them covered so no one would see them. She bought me a few pairs of nude/beige Hanes pantyhose, a pair of black Capezio tights, and a Danskin leotard.

This pattern of wearing hose, tights, and leotards continued through adolescence. As I became interested in girls, the wearing all but stopped. I remember occasionally wear hose or tights to bed, but the occasions were very rare. This continued until I entered college.

While in college I remember finally going out and buying hosiery for myself. This was before the internet so ordering online was not an option. I remember being so nervous and expected the sales clerk to see right through me as if I had a label on my forehead that read "I Wear Pantyhose". I got through it, and it became easier each time I went to buy them. I had several girlfriends throughout college, and I would abstain from wearing when I was in a relationship. I didn't tell any of them about the pantyhose, fearing being labeled as a weirdo on campus.

After graduation, I got a job in a different part of the country where I had no friends or family. This was hard because I was lonely, but the silver lining was that I could finally shave my legs and wear whatever I wanted when I was alone. It was during this period that I started using the internet and became aware of other men who wear pantyhose as well. I had always knew I was not the only guy with the same behaviors, but I was nice to finally see that there were others like me.

A couple of years later, I met the woman who would become my wife. We moved in together shortly after we met, and the pantyhose wearing all but stopped for a while. I made the mistake of not telling her about my obsession. I still wore them on rare occasions, but I felt guilty in doing so and was continuously buying and purging my "stash" of hosiery.

Fast forward to November 2004. Without even thinking about it, I put on a pair of my wife's pantyhose under sweat pants. The kids were in bed, and I just started talking. I told her that there was something I needed to say. I blurted out "I like to wear pantyhose". She thought I was kidding. So I pulled up the leg of my sweats and showed her. She was a bit shocked. She was angry that I hid this from her for so many years. We talked for a while and I answered all of the same questions my mother asked almost 20 years ago. She accepted the hose wearing as part of who I am and did her best to understand why I liked to wear them.

More to come...